In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the Digital Economy, known as L.C.E.N., we bring to the attention of users and visitors to the site: the following information:
Askaan Santé is the owner of the intellectual property rights related to the site and its contents.
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The site is hosted by OVH Roubaix, France 59100 Roubaix Editorial direction and publication:
Intellectual Property
ASKAAN Santé is the owner of the domain name, of the copyrights related to the content of the site and of the right to create a database on the site.the access to the service is limited to the users who use the conditions and restrictions defined in the general conditions provided on the site
Number: Tel: +221 33 860 28 63
Headquarters: Toundop Ria, Cité des Jeunes Cadres, Lot 46, Immeuble Sévaré, Commune de Yoff, Dakar, Senegal