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Our team

The ASKAAN team unites healthcare experts with diverse backgrounds, all driven by the common goal of providing our partners with the knowledge and skills to overcome Africa’s health challenges. We are dedicated to helping our partners improve the management, accountability and transparency of their programmes using rigorous methodologies. We believe in the power of collaboration, and our team is eager to join forces with yours to take your health programme to the next level. Let’s connect!

A dynamic team of like-minded men and women

Dr Fatou Fall Ndoye

Executive Director – Senegal

Abdel Kader Dieye

Program Manager – Senegal

Paul Okediji

Senior Advisor – Senegal

Sonia Djidjo Vedome

Accountant – Senegal

Dr Mamadou Moussa

Program Officer – Niger

Dr Pokpa Koivogui

Team Lead – Guinea

Dr Baffo Bado

Program Officer – Guinea

Dr Mamadou Macky Sy

Program Officer – Guinea

We work together and never give up

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.